Bargaining Updates
Last Chance Picket TODAY 10am-4pm: Last Chance, or Lights Out!
My name is Ashlin, and I’m a second-year DMA and Teaching Assistant in the Composition Department in the Thornton School of Music, also helping out with our union. I’m emailing to remind you about today’s “Last Chance Picket,” and to ask you to join me and hundreds of...
October 31st Bargaining Update: Tentative Agreement on immigration, USC not moving on wages, time for Last Chance Picket
My name is Yongqin, and I'm a 5th year student in the ECE Department, also on the Bargaining Team. I’m emailing with a brief update after today’s bargaining session – the first after 2,158 GSWs – 95.1% of those voting – voted to authorize a strike. Full bargaining...
Strike Authorization Vote now live – join me in voting YES!
My name is Anand, and I’m a PhD candidate in the Computer Science department. I’m emailing to let you know that Strike Authorization voting is now live! VOTE HERE I’ll be voting YES alongside thousands of other Graduate Student Workers across USC. A successful Strike...
October 23rd Bargaining Update: USC admin barely moving on wages – Strike Authorization Vote necessary to move bargaining forward
My name is Bryan Byrdlong, and I'm a third-year student in the English Department, also on the Bargaining Team. I’m emailing with a brief update after today’s half-day bargaining session – the final one before the Strike Authorization Vote opens tomorrow. Full...
October 16th Bargaining Update: USC admin doubles down on contract carve-out for discrimination, again offers annual raises below inflation
My name is Wes Wise, and I’m a third year in the Mathematics Department. I’m also on the GSWOC-UAW bargaining team. During yesterday’s bargaining session, USC admin returned key counterproposals on Wages and Benefits, as well as Nondiscrimination. The full version of...
October 9th Bargaining Update: USC Admin Finally Passes Economic Proposals, Proposes a 0% Raise Followed by Below-Inflation Annual Increases
My name is Jackie Johnson, and I’m a 5th-year PhD Candidate in the Cinema and Media Studies department. I’m writing with an update on yesterday’s bargaining session, where USC administration finally made their first economic proposals. Feel free to check out the...
Strike Authorization Vote dates set for October 24th-26th
My name is Ashley Lehr, and I’m a 4th year in PIBBS. I’m also a member of the GSWOC-UAW bargaining team. I’m writing today to let you know that the Strike Authorization Vote (SAV) dates have been set for October 24th-26th. Graduate Student Workers’ proposals lay out a...
USC GSWs Have Spoken: It’s Time for a Strike Authorization Vote
My name is Dimple Sarnaaik, and I’m a third year in the Physics and Astronomy department. I’m writing to tell you that 400+ Graduate Student Workers (GSWs) participated in the Mass Membership Meeting yesterday and decided to escalate our campaign for a fair contract....
September 26th Bargaining Update: USC Admin Again Fails to Make an Initial Wages Proposal, Tentative Agreement on Fee Remission
My name is Maggie, and I’m a 4th-year PhD Candidate in the Sociology department. I’m on the GSWOC-UAW bargaining team, and I’m writing with updates from yesterday’s bargaining session. For details of each individual proposal, please consult the...
September 18th Bargaining Update: Still No Proposal from USC Admin on Wages, Finally Some Movement on Immigration
My name is Anna, and I’m a 4th year PhD candidate in the Marine and Environmental Biology department. I’m also a member of the GSWOC-UAW bargaining team, and I’m writing to give you an update after Monday’s bargaining session. Check out the...