One week ago, Graduate Student Workers (GSWs) reached a Tentative Agreement (TA) with USC administration on a first union contract. From tomorrow, December 4th, at 9am, to Wednesday, December 6th, at 6pm, GSWs will vote on whether or not to ratify the TA. Check out the Ratification FAQ to learn more about the vote.

You can read the full text of the Tentative Agreement here.
You can read the Bargaining Team’s recommendation here.

Voting will take place online, via Simply Voting. Those who haven’t unsubscribed from GSWOC-UAW emails will receive an email at 9am tomorrow containing a secure link to vote. Anti-spam laws prevent the union from sending emails to (or manually resubscribing) those who have unsubscribed. GSWs can use this link to resubscribe.

If, for any reason, you don’t receive a ballot tomorrow morning at 9am, you can fill out this Google Form to request a ballot.