UAW 872 is hiring: Field Organizer
Overview UAW Local 872 is currently made up of graduate student workers at the University of Southern California. Our union is looking for organizers to join our work to build a strong and self-sustaining local union. This posting is for multiple part-time...
Childcare & Dependent Healthcare Fund Application
My name is Daniel Delgado, and I’m a Graduate Student Worker in the History department and the Sergeant at Arms of our union. I’m writing because USC is required to provide free applications for both the Childcare Fund and the Dependent Healthcare Fund by August 1st....
UAW 872 is hiring: Communications Lead
Overview UAW Local 872 is currently made up of graduate student workers at the University of Southern California. Our union is looking for a communication lead organizer to join our work to build a strong and self-sustaining local union through internal and external...
SIGN ON NOW: Petition to Restore Campus Access
As you’ve likely experienced firsthand, our university community is still subject to identification checks, armed private security, and locked gates when we try to access the campus where we work, learn, and live. As a university allegedly committed to inclusivity...
Progress towards the withdrawal of charges for peaceful protesters
In the past few months, USC has followed up their violent repression of student speech on campus by pursuing criminal and disciplinary charges against student protestors, militarizing our campus, and failing to engage in good faith with our union. In response, we...
UAW Local 872 Overwhelmingly Votes Resolution to Demand Accountability, Rally Announced
I’m Kyle, a rising third year in the department of Sociology and recently elected Lead Steward for Social Sciences and Psychology. I am writing to announce the passage of a critical resolution during this past week’s emergency Monthly Membership Meeting. On...
Union Election Starts Today!
My name is Meg and I am a 5th year in the School of Religion. I am excited to announce that our very first union election for the executive board and stewards starts today! You will receive an email with an individualized link to your ballot with the subject line "UAW...
Notice of Candidacy Statements for Union Election
This is Megan, member of the elections committee for our first election of union leadership as GSWOC-UAW Local 872. Today, I am sharing the candidacy statements of all candidates running for the executive board as well as the candidacy statements of stewards in each...
Notice of Open Nomination Period for Union Election
This is Wes Wise, a third year math PhD student and member of the elections committee for our first election of union leadership as GSWOC-UAW Local 872. I am writing today to inform you that the nomination period for the election is now open, and will conclude...
Upcoming GSWOC-UAW Local 872 Actions: April Membership Meeting, May Day Rally!
This is Maile McCann, grad worker in Civil Engineering and interim GSWOC-UAW Local 872 Recording Secretary. I’m writing to let you know about some important upcoming Local 872 actions! TLDR: Tues, 4/23, 4pm: Know Your Rights Training (RSVP here) Weds, 4/24,...